
Published on September 13th, 2024 | by Jameelah "Just Jay" Wilkerson


Touchless Technology for Airports: Maximizing Efficiency, Improving Hygiene, and Ensuring Compliance

Airports serve as critical hubs in the global travel network, funneling millions of passengers from various corners of the world through their facilities each day. Given the intense and diverse foot traffic, maintaining optimal hygiene and operational efficiency is not just beneficial but essential for health safety and smooth airport operations. Implementing advanced solutions like touchless faucets and soap dispensers from FontanaShowers can dramatically improve these aspects.

Focus of the Study

This comprehensive study was designed to evaluate the impact of installing FontanaShowers’ touchless faucets and soap dispensers in airport restrooms. These facilities, characterized by their constant use, demand robust hygiene solutions that can handle heavy use while delivering superior user experiences.

Key Results

  1. Faster Restroom Turnaround Times
  • Pre-Installation Average Turnaround Time: Initially, the average time a user spent in the restroom was about 3 minutes.
  • Post-Installation Average Turnaround Time: With the introduction of touchless technology, this time was reduced to approximately 2.5 minutes, marking a 17% improvement in turnaround efficiency.

This efficiency gain not only enhances user experience by reducing wait times but also increases the overall throughput, crucial for managing large crowds typical in airports.

  1. Increased Restroom Throughput
  • Pre-Installation: Facilities could accommodate about 200 users per hour.
  • Post-Installation: This capacity increased to 240 users per hour, a significant 20% increase.

The infrared sensors in the touchless systems facilitate quicker detection and activation, speeding up the entire handwashing process.

  1. Greater Compliance with Hand Washing Protocols
  • Handwashing Rates Before Installation: Initially, hygiene audits showed that 65% of users adhered to proper handwashing.
  • Post-Installation Handwashing Rates: This figure surged to 85% following the installation of touchless fixtures.

The ease of use and reduced contact with potentially contaminated surfaces encourage more passengers to comply with hand hygiene practices, a key factor in preventing disease transmission.

  1. Improved Resource Management
  • Water and Soap Usage Reductions: Touchless faucets and dispensers have significantly cut down water and soap usage through controlled dispensing mechanisms.
  • Economic and Environmental Benefits: These reductions are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly, reducing the ecological footprint of airport operations.

Benefits—Detailed Analysis

User Satisfaction and Accessibility

  • Satisfaction Levels: Satisfaction with restroom hygiene and convenience significantly increased from 70% before installation to 93% afterwards.
  • Accessibility and Inclusiveness: The touchless operation, compliant with ADA standards, makes the facilities more accessible to people with disabilities, the elderly, and children, enhancing inclusiveness.

Environmental Impact

  • Sustainable Practices: The study highlighted a 40% reduction in water usage, supporting water conservation initiatives and helping airports achieve their environmental sustainability goals.

Economic Benefits

  • Maintenance and Operational Cost Savings: The touchless fixtures require less frequent maintenance, translating into considerable cost savings—an estimated $1,200 annually per restroom.


The installation of FontanaShowers’ touchless faucets and soap dispensers in airport restrooms has brought substantial benefits across various metrics. From improving hygiene compliance and reducing resource consumption to enhancing user satisfaction and operational efficiency, the move towards touchless technology proves to be a forward-thinking solution for airports aiming to optimize their restroom facilities in today’s fast-paced, health-conscious world.

About the Author

Publisher and CEO of The Hype Magazine. Follow me on Twitter @HypeJustJay

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