Rhyme Report Louis Torre

Published on July 30th, 2024 | by XO


Louis Torre’s ‘feel something’ Charts a New Musical Direction

Loss is a universal experience that leaves an indelible mark on our souls. I vividly remember the day I lost a close family member – the world seemed to lose its color, and the weight of grief felt insurmountable. Even now, years later, that loss still echoes in quiet moments, a reminder of how fragile life can be. It’s a pain that changes you, reshaping your perspective and leaving you grasping for something – anything – to make you feel whole again.

It’s this raw, vulnerable state of being that Louis Torre captured perfectly in his latest single, ‘feel something,’ released on July 19th. The track, a poignant exploration of grief and social anxiety, resonated deeply with listeners who have experienced loss. Torre’s lyrics painted a vivid picture of the disconnect one feels in the aftermath of tragedy – the struggle to engage in social situations, the emptiness of once-enjoyable activities, and the desperate need to feel something real again.

The song’s production, a masterful blend of pop vocals with stacked harmonies set against a dance-pop/rave backdrop, mirrored the conflicting emotions of grief. The pulsating, energetic beats contrasted beautifully with the vulnerability in Torre’s voice, creating a soundscape that was both intimate and expansive. This juxtaposition cleverly represented the internal struggle of wanting to move forward while still processing loss. As Torre himself explained, “I wanted something vulnerable & intimate but also something pulsating & a bit more energetic.”

Louis Torre, a multi-talented artist originally from New York, has been making waves in the music industry since 2016. His journey as a singer-songwriter has been marked by continuous growth and evolution. Torre’s previous releases, including the ‘Inferno‘ EP in 2021 and the single ‘Boys, Boys, Boys‘ in 2023, garnered significant attention, with streams reaching into the hundreds of thousands. His collaboration with Andrew Roman on ‘Borderline‘ in 2021 further solidified his place in the pop music scene, amassing over 700,000 streams.

What sets Louis Torre apart is his ability to craft relatable, emotive music that touches on universal experiences. Drawing inspiration from a diverse range of artists, including Prince, Janet Jackson, and Britney Spears, Torre’s music is characterized by infectious pop energy and explosive choruses. His lyrics are designed to resonate with listeners, whether by empowering them, providing emotional support, or simply giving them a good time. As a proud member of the queer community, Torre also aims to bring another authentic voice to mainstream music, sharing stories that represent and uplift LGBTQ+ experiences.

feel something‘ marked a significant shift in Torre’s artistic journey. Following a series of personal tragedies, Torre found himself grappling with the challenge of creating art after trauma. This struggle led him to explore deeper, more complex themes in his music. As he shared, “I used to write about love, fun & heartbreak. However, this time around, I felt like my music needed to touch on the bigger concepts of life like anxiety & depression.” The result is a song that not only showcases Torre’s growth as an artist but also offers a lifeline to listeners navigating their own grief and anxiety.

As we look to the future, Louis Torre‘s musical journey promises even more compelling storytelling and genre-blending experimentation. Fans can anticipate another single dropping on August 30th, followed by an EP titled ‘bittersweet‘ set for release in the fall. If ‘feel something‘ is any indication, these upcoming works are sure to be Torre’s most honest and impactful yet.

For those who have experienced loss, for those struggling with social anxiety, and for anyone seeking music that truly makes them feel, Louis Torre‘s ‘feel something‘ is a must-listen. It’s a testament to the healing power of music and a reminder that even in our darkest moments, we’re not alone. As he so eloquently puts it in the song, we’re all just looking for “something real.”  And in ‘feel something,’ Louis Torre has given us exactly that—something beautifully, painfully real.





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