Hype Cannabis Delta 8

Published on May 13th, 2024 | by Dr. Jerry Doby


THCP Gummies vs. Delta 8 Gummies: Which is Stronger

Since the federal legalization of hemp and hemp-derived products in 2018, several cannabinoids have risen to fame and surged in popularity all around the United States. Among the most notable are delta 8, a pleasant cannabinoid known for its relaxing, mellowing effects, and THCP, a mighty albeit minor, recently discovered compound.

Both delta 8 and THCP are popular in many forms, from pre-rolls and vapes to oils and edibles, but cannabis enthusiasts seem to have taken a liking to consuming both of these compounds in gummy form. But are THCP gummies stronger than delta 8 gummies?

What is THCP?

Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, the long, complicated way of saying THCP, was discovered accidentally in 2019 by a team of Italian scientists. This phytocannabinoid resembles THC, the best-known psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant, but has a unique twist that adds to its potency. 

Instead of THC’s typical five-term alkyl side chain, THCP’s alkyl side chain is made up of seven terms. This structural variation allows THCP to bind with the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the human body with much greater affinity than THC, making it far more potent.

In fact, some research suggests that THCP could bind approximately 33 times more effectively with CB1 receptors and 5-10 times more with CB2 receptors than regular THC. 

This enhanced binding capability suggests that THCP could exert significantly stronger and longer-lasting psychoactive effects than its counterparts, leading to its characterization as potentially one of the most potent cannabinoids discovered to date.

The Effects of THCP

Due to its potent nature, THCP is believed to produce intense psychoactive effects. These effects can include profound euphoria, heightened sensory perception, and substantial alterations in visual and auditory experiences. 

In essence, THCP is believed to possess the same effects as THC but at a much more potent level. 

THCP’s potential doesn’t stop at recreational use; it also holds promise for medicinal applications. 

Its strong interaction with cannabinoid receptors might make it an effective treatment for chronic pain, severe nausea, and other conditions that respond poorly to other cannabinoids. 

However, given its potency, the medical community remains cautious, emphasizing the need for thorough research to understand its full profile of effects and potential side effects fully.

What is Delta 8?

Delta 8, short for delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, is a minor cannabinoid occurring naturally in cannabis plants, but typically in very small amounts. 

While also similar to delta 9, also known as THC, its atomic bonds have different placements. While delta 9 has a double bond on its ninth carbon atom, delta 8 has a double bond on its eighth carbon atom. 

Due to this microscopic difference, delta 8 and delta 9 also have different binding affinities for cannabinoid receptors throughout the body, with delta 8 being a milder alternative to the traditional THC high. 

In fact, delta 8 is estimated to be around 50% as strong as delta 9, and has earned the nickname of “delta 9’s nicer younger sibling” because it seems to cause negative side effects, such as anxiety or paranoia, with much less frequency than its older sibling.

The effects of delta 8 are generally described as relaxing, mood-lifting, and mildly euphoric, making it appealing for those who want the benefits of traditional THC without as much of the intense high. 

Like THCP, delta 8 is also believed to possess many of the same effects and benefits as delta 9, but unlike THCP, this compound provides them alongside a milder psychoactive experience.

Delta 8 vs. THCP Gummies: A Battle of Potency

From what we’ve discussed so far, you can probably gather that THCP gummies are much stronger than delta 8 gummies, but when comparing the potency and effects of delta 8 and THCP gummies, it’s essential to consider both their pharmacological profiles and user-reported experiences. 

On a molecular level, THCP’s enhanced ability to bind to cannabinoid receptors signifies a significantly stronger effect than delta 8. This could translate into a more profound, intense psychoactive experience, potentially requiring lower doses for noticeable effects.

However, potency isn’t the only factor in choosing the right cannabinoid product. The type of high, duration of effects, and individual physiology play crucial roles in determining whether delta 8 or THCP gummies are right for a particular user. 

For instance, while THCP might provide a stronger high, delta 8 offers a less intense, more manageable experience that might be preferred by those new to cannabis or looking to avoid strong psychoactive effects.

Here’s a chart to help you better understand how the effects of THCP and delta 8 might compare:

EffectsTHCP GummiesDelta 8 Gummies
EuphoriaVery HighModerate
Pain ReliefHighModerate
Anxiety ReductionModerateHigh
Psychoactive IntensityExtremeModerate


Side Effects: Delta 8 vs. THCP

Comparing the side effects of THCP and delta 8 gummies is essential for understanding their overall safety and suitability for different users. 

Due to its higher potency, THCP may be associated with more pronounced side effects, such as stronger alterations in perception, potential anxiety, and other psychoactive effects. 

These side effects make it crucial for users to approach THCP with caution, starting with very low doses to gauge their tolerance.

On the other hand, delta 8 is known for its milder overall effects. It typically produces less anxiety and paranoia than more potent cannabinoids, making it a safer choice for individuals sensitive to the psychoactive effects of cannabis. 

As a matter of fact, anecdotal evidence suggests that delta 8 rarely, if ever, causes those negative side effects in users. This profile makes delta 8 a preferable option for regular use, particularly for those who value clarity and less intense psychoactive experiences.

Are Both, Delta 8 and THCP Gummies Legal?

The legal status of cannabinoid-infused products like delta 8 and THCP gummies is a complex issue that varies significantly by jurisdiction. 

Federally, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, all hemp-derived cannabinoids, including delta 8 and THCP, are legal in the United States as long as they contain less than 0.3% delta 9 THC on a dry weight basis. 

However, specific state laws may differ, with some states having explicit bans or restrictions on the sale and use of delta 8 products. While some states agree with the federal government’s stance on hemp, others don’t, so it’s best to check your local legislation before attempting to purchase gummies infused with either cannabinoid.

Delta 8 vs. THCP Gummies: Which is Safer?

Determining the safety of delta 8 and THCP gummies involves considering both the chemical properties of the compounds and the quality of the products. 

High-quality, lab-tested gummies from reputable manufacturers are generally safe for adult use. However, the higher potency of THCP gummies means they may carry a higher risk of adverse effects if not used carefully.

Users of THCP should start with very small doses and increase gradually as needed. This cautious approach helps mitigate the risk of overwhelming psychoactive effects and other potential side effects. 

In contrast, delta 8 gummies typically require less caution due to their milder nature and are often considered safer for new users or those sensitive to intense psychoactive effects.

Delta 8 & THCP Gummies Dosage Guide

Proper dosing is crucial for enjoying the benefits of any cannabinoid product safely and effectively. Due to the differing potencies of THCP and delta 8, their dosing guidelines are not interchangeable.

Remember, delta 8 is only 50% as strong as THC, and THCP is thought to be potentially 33 times as strong as THC. This means that while 1mg of delta 8 is equal to 0.5mg of THC, 1mg of THCP is equivalent to about 30mg of THC. 

It’s always best to start low and slow and work your way up to a high that works for you. You can always take more delta 8 or THCP if you’re not feeling the effects you crave, but once you go overboard, you’ll be stuck in an unpleasant high for hours.

Here’s a dosage guide based on individual tolerance:

User LevelDelta 8 DosageTHCP Dosage


Delta 8 vs. THCP Gummies: Final Thoughts

Choosing between THCP and Delta 8 THC gummies depends largely on personal preferences, desired effects, and individual tolerance levels. 

While THCP offers a potentially stronger and more intense experience, delta 8 provides a milder, clearer high that may be preferable for many users. 

Regardless of choice, it is crucial to source cannabinoid products from reputable manufacturers to ensure safety and quality. 

Additionally, starting with low doses and gradually adjusting based on experience and comfort level can help users safely enjoy the unique benefits of these potent cannabinoid gummies.


About the Author

Editor-in-Chief of The Hype Magazine, Media and SEO Consultant, Journalist, Ph.D. and retired combat vet. 2023 recipient of The President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Partner at THM Media Group. Member of the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, the United States Press Agency and ForbesBLK.

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